14 09 2009

“What should we think”, or the unwavering tone “What they don’t think?” and some fuzzy friends tested me, “Girl, who are ‘they’?” were apart of questions asked when I told them that we should think what they don’t.

We had been celebrating the 52-nd of Merdeka celebration in couple of days ago. And, I was glad that all Irshadian had proudly and consistently decorated their classes with flags and all the patriotic stuffs.Full stop. I mean, the significance of Merdeka was only decorating class? And, full stop?

Uatazah Salmah had once said, “You  are the selected students and you should act like a selected one.”I interpreted the word ‘selected’ as selected to born and live in Malaysia and the patriotism should not stop at the hanged-Malaysia-flags in most of the classes’ doors.

I went to Semporna, Sabah last April for Regatta Lepa-Lepa. I was there to discovered the lifestyle of the Bajau Laut community from East Malaysia, traditionally known as sea gypsies. On my way to Sabah, I thought that my six day fully-sponsored-vacation will be a journey of genuine custom—a journey where I can enjoy the untouched-pure-custom that lies along the South China Sea…

But nobody warned me that I was slightly wrong! Even the Bajau Laut who live far from the modern development, beginning to lose their identity. Hedonism is everywhere, social ills are seen at every inch of the Land, moral decays are not only in Penang or Kuala Lumpur but EVERYWHERE THOUGHOUT MALAYSIA…A circumstance that prove me that WE NEED TO START THINKING WHAT THEY DON’T!

They, are our friends! The teenagers or can I say the future leader of Malaysia? We should think that it is a must-obligation to sustain the victory of this young country. Malaysia desperately needs young community that survive from the unstopped westernisation. We are the next generation to lead country. Sayidina Ali r.a said that, ‘A nation’s triumph in the future rely on the teenagers today.’Looking at present condition, I concluded that we are (and will be) at stake!

Hrmm..if you do not start thinking and act like a selected one, if the patriotism hadn’t filled in our heart, what do you think will be in the future???

PS—I was thinking of celebrating the 100th Merdeka celebration with my cute grandchildren…Is that possible?

Prepared by : Nur Adilla Abd Rahim